What is OCD?
OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) falls under the category of an anxiety order. It is a series of intrusive unwanted thoughts that are followed by a compulsion to relive the fear and anxiety of that thought being or coming true.
"I was stuck in my recovery journey, questioning how I could have OCD and be saved! Salvation and OCD seemed mutuality excessive to me... She helped me move forward in my recovery journey."
“Physical healing lasts a LIFETIME… Spiritual healing lasts an ETERNITY…”

Dear Friends,
I want you to understand this is an extreme anxiety disorder. Even with its intense and debilitating thoughts Jesus can help you overcome and experience recovery and healing. My own experience with OCD has inspired me to create Eunoia5 ministries, which is YOUR ministry. My hope and prayer is that Eunoia5 ministries will provide all the tools and resources for you, that Jesus provided me throughout my journey with OCD.
"Ronda’s integration of faith into these discussions helps you to believe in God's love for you. Ronda is trustworthy, compassionate, and VERY skilled!"
Dear OCD...
2023 TBD
OCD Support Group
2023 TBD